!!! ATTENTION: Effective July 17, 2024 — Seed-N-Tree Farms's hours have changed, please see our new hours for more information. !!!


We offer professional installation services on top of our self-planting packages.

For landscapers and contractors, we have a wholesale price list available upon request.

NOTE: Not all materials shown will be available every season.


Name Zone Height Width Sun/Shade Coloring
Acer platanoides
Helena Maple
4 45′ – 50′ 30′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow Orange
Acer tatarian
Hot Wings Maple
4 20′ – 25′ 20′ Mostly Sun Autumn: Red
Betula papyrifera Alaskana
Alaskan Paper Birch
2 75′ – 100′ 40′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Betula penci-2
Royal Frost Birch
3 30′ – 40′ 20′ Full Sun Autumn: Dull Red Orange
Betula pendula Dalecarlica
Cut Leaf Weeping Birch
2 40′ – 60′ 20′ – 30′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Betula platyphylla Fargo
Dakota Pinnacle Birch
3 30′ – 40′ 20′ – 25′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Betula platyphylla Jeffpark
Parkland Pillar Birch
3 40′ – 50′ 8′ – 10′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Malus dolgo
Dolgo Crabapple
2 20′ 20′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Pink Blossom, White Flower
(Best tasting crabapple)
Malus royalty
Royalty Crabapple
3 20′ 20′ Full Sun Autumn: Purple
Red Blossom, Pink Flower
Dark Red Leaves
Malus rudolph
Rudolph Crabapple
3 16′ – 18′ 14′ – 16′ Full Sun Autumn: Red Purple
Red Blossom, Pink Flower
Malus renetka
Renetka Crabapple
2 10′ – 14′ 8′ – 10′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Pink Blossom, White Flower
Malus spring snow
Spring Snow Crabapple
4 25′ 20′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
White Blossom, White Flower
Populus tremuloides rocky mountain
Rocky Mountain Aspen
2 60′ – 80′ 20′ – 30′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow, Slight Orange
Populus tremulodies erecta
Swedish Columnar Aspen
2 50′ – 75′ 8′ – 12′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow & Orange
Prunus mackii
Amur Chokecherry
2 20′ – 30′ 20′ – 25′ Full Sun Autumn: Dull Yellow
Prunus padus
European Bird Cherry or Mayday Tree
2 30′ – 40′ 20′ – 30′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow & Orange
Prunus virginiana Shubert
Canada Red Chokecherry
2 40′ – 50′ 20′ – 25′ Full Sun Autumn: Brown Purple
Sorbus aucuparia cardinal royal
Cardinal Royal Mountain Ash
3 30′ – 40′ 12′ – 18′ Full Sun Autumn: Red Orange
Red Berries


Name Zone Height Width Sun/Shade Coloring
Acer platanoides deborah
Norway Deborah Maple
4 45′ – 50′ 30′ – 40′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow Bronze
Acer platanoides columnar
Norway Columnar Maple
4 50′ – 60′ 14′ – 18′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Acer platanoides Helena
Norway Helena Maple
4 45′ – 50′ 30′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow Orange
Acer ginnala flame
Flame Amur Maple Tree
3 20′ 20′ Full Sun Autumn: Red
Acer x freemanii Jeffersred
Autumn Blaze Maple
3 50′ – 60′ 40′ – 50′ Full Sun Autumn: Red
Betula papyrifera Alaskana
Alaska Paper Birch
2 75′ – 100′ 40′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Betula papyrifera Varen
Prairie Dream Paper Birch
2 50′ – 60′ 20′ – 30′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Crataegus mordenensis toba
Toba Hawthorne
3 14′ – 16′ 12′ – 14′ Full To Partial Sun Autumn: Yellow
Malus emerald spire
Emerald Spire Crabapple
2 16′ – 20′ 6′ – 10′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow Orange
Red Blossoms, Pink Flowers
Malus dolgo
Dolgo Crabapple
2 20′ 20′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Pink Blossom, White Flower
Malus Gladiator
Gladiator Crabapple
3 20′ 10′ Full Sun Autumn: Purple
Red Blossom, Pink Flower
Malus prairie fire
Prairiefire Crabapple
4 16′ – 18′ 14′ – 16′ Full Sun Autumn: Purple, Pink
Malus royalty
Royalty Crabapple
3 16′ – 18′ 14′ – 16′ Full Sun Autumn: Bronze Purple
Red Blossoms, Pink Flowers
Malus ruby tears
Ruby Tears Crabapple
3 Full Sun Red Flowers
Malus spring snow
Spring Snow Crabapple
4 25′ 20′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
White Blossom, White Flower
Populus tremuloides erecta
Swedish Columnar Aspen
2 50′ – 75′ 8′ – 12′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow Orange
Pouplus tremuloides ACWS151
Sundancer Popular
2 45′ – 55′ 10′ – 15′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Prunus maackii
Amur Chokecherry
2 20′ – 30′ 20′ – 25′ Full Sun Autumn: Dull Yellow
Prunus virginiana Shubert
Canada Red Chokecherry
2 50′ – 60′ 20′ – 30′ Full Sun Autumn: Dull Purple
Sorbus aucuparia
European Mountain Ash
2 40′ – 50′ 20′ – 30′ Full Sun Autumn: Red, Yellow Orange
Orange Berries
Sorbus aucuparia Blackhawk
Blackhawk Mountain Ash
3 20′ – 30′ 14′ – 20′ Full Sun Autumn: Red Yellow Orange
Red Orange Berries
Sorbus aucuparia fastigiata
Pyramidal Mountain Ash
3 20′ – 25′ 6′ – 12′ Full Sun Autumn: Red Yellow Orange
Sorbus decora
Showy Mountain Ash
2 25′ – 30′ 30′ – 40′ Full Sun Autumn: Red Orange
Red Berries


Name Zone Pollination
Malus frostbite
Frostbite Apple

Requires pollinator

Malus honeycrisp
Honeycrisp Apple
4 Requires pollinator
Malus norland
Norland Apple
3 Requires pollinator
Malus yellow transparent
Yellow Transparent Apple
3 Requires pollinator
Prunus cerasus
Evens Bali Cherry (Sour)
3 Self pollinating
Name Zone Pollination
Prunus fruticosa
Carmine Jewel Cherry (Sweet)
3 Self pollinating
Prunus meteor
Meteor Cherry (Sour)
3 Self pollinating
Pyrus communis
Summercrisp Pear
4 Requires pollinator
Pyrus parker
Parker Pear
3 Requires pollinator


Name Zone Height Width Other
Abies lasiocarpa
Sub Alpine Fir
2 20′ – 30′ 8′ – 12′ Call for availability
Larix siberica
Siberian Larch
2 50′ – 70′ 20′ – 30′ Autumn: Yellow
(Deciduous Conifer)
Picea glauca Alaskana
Alaska White Spruce
2 75′ – 125′ 20′ – 30′
Picea pungens Fat Albert
Fat Albert Spruce
3 40′ 25′ – 30′
Picea pungens Totem
Totem Blue Spruce
3 20′ – 30′ 8′ – 12′
Picea pungens Hoopsii
Hoopsii Blue Spruce
2 40′ – 50′ 14′ – 24′
Picea punges glauca
Colorado Blue Spruce
2 60′ – 90′ 20′ – 30′
Picea punges
Colorado Green Spruce
2 60′ – 90′ 20′ – 30′
Picea pungens Montgomery
Montgomery Blue Spruce
2 12′ – 16′ 6′ – 10′
Picea Engelmannii
Engelman Spruce
2 80′ – 90′ 20′ – 25′
Pinus cembra
Swiss Stone Pine
2 30′ – 40′ 20′ – 30′
Pinus sylvestri
Scotch Pine
3 50′ – 60′ 25′ – 35′


Name Zone Height Width Sun/Shade
Juniperus horizontalis Blue Chip
Blue Chip Juniper
3 6′ – 8′
Juniperus horizontalis Wiltoni
Wilton Blue Rug Juniper
3 6′ – 8′
Juniperus Chinensis
Sea Green Juniper
4 4′ – 6′ 6′ – 10′
Juniperus scopulorum
Wichita Blue Juniper
3 12′ – 16′ 6′ – 10′
Picea abies nidiformis
Birds Nest Spruce
2 2′ 6′
Picea pungens Candlelight
Candlelight Green Spruce
3 12′ – 16′ 6′ – 8′
Picea pungens densata
Black Hills Spruce
2 40′ – 60′ 15′ – 25′
Picea pungens glauca The Blues
Weeping Blue Spruce
3 6′ – 10′ 4′ – 6′
Picea pungens glauca Totem
Totem Blue Spruce
2 30′ – 40′ 8′ – 12′
Picea pungens glauca Globosa
Globe Blue Spruce
2 2′ – 3′ 4′ – 6′
Picea pungens Fat Albert
Fat Albert Blue Spruce
3 20′ – 30′ 8′ – 12′
Picea pungens Hoopsii
Hoopsii Blue Spruce
2 40′ – 50′ 16′ – 20′
Picea pungens Montgomery
Montgomery Blue Spruce
2 10′ – 12′ 6′ – 8′
Pinus cembra Herman
Prairie Statesman Pine
2 30′ – 40′ 10′ – 16′
Pinus mugo pumillio
Dwarf Mugo Pine
2 2′ – 4′ 6′ – 10′
Thuja occidentalis pyramidal
Pyramidal Arborvitae
3 18′ – 26′ 4′ – 6′ Full To Partial Sun
Thuga occidentalis Techny
Techny Arborvitae
3 14′ – 16′ 6′ – 8′ Full To Partial Sun


Name Zone Height Width Sun/Shade Colors
Acer ginnala Ruby Slippers
Ruby Slippers Amur Maple
3 15′ – 20′ 15′ – 20′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Red, Yellow, Orange
Acer ginnala Flame
Flame Amur Maple
3 15′ – 20′ 20′ – 25′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Red
Amelanchier alnifolia Regent
Regent Saskatoon Serviceberry
2 6′ – 8′ 4′ – 6′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow, Red, Orange
Berberis thunbergii Orange Rocket
Orange Rocket Barberry
4 4′ 2′ Full Sun Autumn: Red – Orange
Betula nana
Dwarf Arctic Birch
2 1′ – 2′ 2′ – 4′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Yellow – Orange
Caragana siberica
Siberian Pea Shrub
2 10′ – 15′ 8′ – 10′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Cornus alba
Ivory Halo Dogwood
3 6′ – 10′ 5′ – 8′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Faded Yellow
Cornus alba Buds Yellow
Buds Yellow Twig Dogwood
3 6′ – 8′ 5′ – 6′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Yellow
Cornus baileyi
Bailey Red Twig Dogwood
2 8′ – 10′ 8′ – 10′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Red Yellow
Cotoneaster lucidus hedge
Hedge Cotoneaster
2 8′ – 10′ 4′ – 5′ Full Sun Autumn: Red Orange
Forsythia meadowlark
Meadowlark Forsythia
3 8′ – 10′ 6′ – 10′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow
Hydrangea arborescens Incrediball
Incrediball Hydrandea
3 4′ – 5′ 4′ – 5′ Full Sun White Flower
Lonicera edulis kamtschatica
Polar Jewel Haskap (Honeyberry)
3 4′ 4′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Yellow
Philadelphus lewissi waterton
Waterton Mockorange
3 6′ 4′ Half Sun Autumn: Yellow
Physocarpus opulifolius jefam
Amber Jubilie Ninebark
2 5′ – 6′ 3′ – 4′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow Orange Red
Physocarpus opulifolius monlo
Diabolo Ninebark
2 6′ 4′ – 6′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Dull Purple Red
Potentilla fruticosa abbottswood
Abbottswood Potentilla
2 2′ – 3′ 3′ – 4′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow Orange
Potentilla fruticosa goldfinger
Goldfinger Potentilla
2 2′ – 4′ 3′ – 5′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow Orange
Potentilla fruticosa pink beauty
Pink Beauty Potentilla
2 2′ – 3′ 2′ – 3′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow – Orange
Prunus triloba
Flowering Plum (Rose Tree of China)
3 4′ – 5′ 4′ – 6′ Full Sun Autumn: Yellow – Orange
Prunus x ceistena
Purple Leaf Sandcherry
3 6′ – 8′ 6′ – 8′ Full Sun Autumn: Dull Purple
Ribes alpinum
Alpine Currant
2 4′ – 6′ 3′ – 4′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Yellow
Sorbaria sorbifolia sem
Ash Leaf Sem Spirea
2 3′ – 5′ (Spreading) Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Multi
Spireae bet thor birchleaf
Birchleaf Spirea
4 3′ – 4′ 3′ – 4′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Yellow Orange
Spireae japonica goldmound
Goldmound Spireae
3 3′ 3′ – 4′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Yellow
Spireae japonica little princess
Little Princess Spirea
3 1′ – 2′ 2′ – 3′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Multi
Spireae snowmound
Snowmound Spirea
4 2′ – 3′ 3′ – 4′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Yellow Orange
Spireae x bumalda goldflame
Goldflame Spirea
3 2′ – 4′ 3′ – 5′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Multi
Syringa meyeri palibin
Dwarf Korean Lilac
3 3′ – 4′ 4′ – 6′ Full Sun Purple Flower
Syringa prestoniae
Donald Wyman Lilac
2 8′ – 12′ 6′ – 8′ Full Sun Purple Flower
Syringa prestoniae
James MacFarlane Lilac
2 10′ – 12′ 6′ – 8′ Full Sun Light Purple Flower
Syringa prestoniae
Miss Canada Lilac
3 8′ – 10′ 8′ – 10′ Full Sun Pink Flower
Syringa patula
Miss Kim Lilac
3 4′ – 6′ 4′ – 5′ Full Sun Light Lavender Flower
Viburnum trilobum Americana
American Highbush Cranberry
2 8′ – 14′ 8′ – 10′ Full to Partial Sun Autumn: Red
Virbunum trilobum Bailey compact
Bailey Compact Cranberry
2 4′ – 6′ 3′ – 5′ Full Sun Autumn: Red


Name Zone Height Width Sun/Shade Colors
Rosa acicularis
Alaska Prickly Rose
2 6′ – 8′ (Spreading) Full Sun Pink Flower
Rose hansa
Hansa Rose
2 5′ – 6′ (Spreading) Full Sun Double Pink Flower
Rosa rubrifolia
Red Leaf Rose
2 6′ – 8′ (Spreading) Full Sun Pink Flower
Rosa rugosa
Rugosa Rose
2 4′ – 6′ (Spreading) Full Sun Pink Flower
Rosa schneekoppe
Snow Pavement Rose
2 4′ – 6′ (Spreading) Full Sun Light Pink Flower
Rosa woodsii
Woods Rose
3 6′ – 8′ (Spreading) Full Sun Pink Flower


Name Zone Pollination
Fragaria xananassa Duchesne
Wendy Strawberry
3 Self pollinating
Ribes uva-crispa Pixwell
Pixwell Gooseberry
3 Self pollinating
Name Zone Pollination
Ribes Killarney
Killarney Raspberry
3 Self pollinating
Vaccinium northblue
Northblue Blueberry
3 Self pollinating



Acer ginnalla
Amur Maple
Amelanchier saskatoon
Saskatoon Serviceberry
Cornus alba
Ivory Halo Dogwood
Potentilla fruticosa
Abbottswood Potentilla
Potentilla fruticosa
Goldfinger Potentilla
Ribes alpinum
Alpine Currant
Sorbaria sorbifolia
Ash Leaf Spirea     (Pruned at 4′)
Syringa prestoniae
Miss Canada Lilac
Syringa prestoniae
Donald Wyman Lilac
Syringa prestoniae
James MacFarlane Lilac
Bailey Compact Cranberry



Name Zone Colors
Aquilegia formosa
Western Columbine
3 Red & White Flower
Astilbe chinesis
Red Astilbe
3 Red Plumes
Cornus canadensis
Dwarf Dogwood Bunchberry
2 White Flowers, Red Berries
Stella DeOro Daylily
2 Yellow Flower
Iris setosa
Alaska Blue Flag Iris
2 Purple, White Flower
Ligularia stenocephala
The Rocket Ligularia
3 Yellow Spikes
Nepeta faassenii
Junior Walker Catmint
3 Purple Flower
Potentilla tridentata sibbaldiopsis nuuk
Nuuk Cinquefoil
1 White Flower
Rhododendrom x rampo
Rampo Rhododendrom
4 Purple Flower

Our perennials become available in early June.


Name Zone Sun/Shade
Athyrium filix femina
Lady Fern
3 Filtered Sun
Dryopteris expansa
Wood Fern
2 Filtered Sun
Matteuccia athyrium
Ostrich Fern
2 Filtered Sun


Name Zone Growth
Calamagrostis acutiflora
Karl Forester Feather Reed Grass
3 Up to 5′
Calamagrostis acutiflora
Overdam Variegated Reed Grass
3 Up to 4′
Helictotrichon sempervirens
Elijah Blue Oat Grass
3 Up to 1′